"I edited the HTML. Now it's Broken."

Empowering anyone to edit a web page doesn't have to mean more support tickets.

ContentBuilder is a content editor for your SaaS that even your support team will love.

We've spent over 20 years working with more than 30,000 customers to get it right.

It’s time to give your SaaS the epic user experience upgrade you’ve been putting off.

Online page editors don't need every feature you can think of

Many editors fall into the trap of letting users do too much. They give them access to every obscure CSS property and let them drag anything to anywhere.

They make it frighteningly easy to break a page past the point of no return. That results in support requests from frustrated customers getting you down on your day off.

Your customers want an experience that is fast, intuitive and user-friendly

Imagine a perfect balance between restriction and flexibility. The look your users want, in a way that always looks great to their users. Unbreakable mobile responsiveness by default.

The only challenge for your customers is picking a colour and font combination. They can phone a friend for help with that!

Our customer support team tell us we've cracked it

The last 1,000 customer support tickets our team have received don't contain a single message from a user who managed to break a page layout. Our SaaS, Create, is primarily focused on helping the owners of thousands of small family businesses to build their own website. Needless to say we were stunned when we ran the numbers. In fact we have 50 messages from users going out of their way to tell us how happy they are. Here are a few of them:

Probably the best website builder I’ve ever used. Especially for ideas that need to come together quickly.

Toby Moore - Content Club

"I get so many compliments about my website. It looks like I've paid a lot of money to someone who really knows what they are doing to make it!"

Chloe Bullock - Materialise Interiors

"So user friendly and all credit to the developers for their most recent content builder release - it's just what I needed! Superb!!"

Catherine Dunning - Love That Wedding

"I am an absolute technophobe and I have been amazed by what I have achieved building my website"


We want your SaaS to provide experiences like this to your customers. So we're working on a developer experience for ContentBuilder that will make integrating it anywhere a breeze. Two decades of our experience embedded in your app in minutes.

Take it for a spin. Try editing this page now.

Ready to find out more?
Drop your email in the box below and we'll keep you updated.


We're updating these questions as we receive them.
If you have any yourself please contact us.

Only users who are given access to content blocks that feature our Custom HTML Code element can add code. Without this there is no way for them to add their own code to the page.

Not yet, but this is a use case we have looked into and will be actively exploring further.

No.  Content builder pages are read and output as HTML. As long as the structure of pages is not modified outside of content builder, they can be stored wherever you want.

Custom block creation can currently only be carried out by our team.  Please get in touch to discuss your specific use case.  Other even more configurable block types are also on the way that will often negate the need for an entirely custom built block.